Expert translations by native speakers

probicon has many years of experience with professional translations. Our translators have extensive expertise in the following industries / fields / sectors:
- Architecture and design
- Art
- Automotive
- Banking
- Biomedical engineering
- Business and management
- Chemical industry
- Chemistry
- Consulting services
- Cosmetics industry
- Cuisine and catering
- Ecology
- Education
- Electrical engineering and electronics
- Energy and renewables
- Environment
- Fashion
- Film production and television
- Finance
- Human resources
- IT
- Law
- Marketing
- Market research
- Material engineering
- Materials science
- Mechanical engineering
- Medical devices
- Museums
- Pharmaceutical industry
- Physics
- Psychology
- Public relations
- Railway systems
- Real estate
- Retail
- Social sciences
- Systems engineering
- Telecommunications
- Trade fairs
- Tourism
- Wholesale
probicon – your translation agency in Berlin for expert translations by native speakers into more than 35 languages.
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